An elite survey and a follow-up workshop were conducted with experts from around the world on polarization, with the aims to create a deeper understanding of polarization in general and in Turkey and developing strategies to mitigate it.
In the elite survey, which consisted of 4 stages, the participants were asked to express their opinions on the causes of and solutions to polarization and to put these opinions in an order of importance. At the last stage of the survey, they rated the feasibility of the solution suggestions for mitigating polarization.
Based on the elite survey, a follow-up workshop was conducted with international experts to share the elite survey results on November 30, 2020. In the workshop, moderated by Özgür Ünlühisarcıklı, German Marshall Fund (GMF) Director of Ankara Office, Emre Erdoğan and Pınar Uyan Semerci presented the survey results on the causes of and solutions to polarization and their feasibility. As expert discussants, Ersin Kalaycıoğlu and Emilia Palonen shared their evaluations about the elite survey. Following the survey results and evaluations, the participants discussed polarization in general and in Turkey, and the strategies to mitigate it. The elite survey and the follow-up workshop contributed to create a deeper understanding of polarization and to develop feasible strategies.